A Driver Can Easily Get More Miles from an Hour of Level 2 Charging while their EV is Parked than the Average Person Drives in a Day

August 12, 2024

A driver can easily get more miles from an hour of level 2 charging while their light-duty EV is parked and plugged into a charger than the average person drives in a day. Most EV charging is Level 2 which provides about 25 miles of range per hour of charging. According to the 2021 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS), the national average driving distance is 19.9 miles per day. This holds true both for drivers living in rural areas, who drive an average of 24.3 miles per day, and those in densely populated urban areas who drive 17.8 miles per day.  The speed of modern DC fast charging (350 kW+) provides approximately 100-200+ miles of range per 30 minutes of charging.

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